ROSS BURGARD 10-24-04 – 12-17-92 (Narrative by Sue (Burgard) Darmofal)
Ross was the ninth child of ten children born to David and Clara (Grodi) Burgard. His mother, Clara, never learned English so only French was spoken at home. When Ross started school a rule was made that only English was to be spoken. The teacher would speak and the students all looked at each other and wondered what she was saying. School wasn’t required so after about the third grade Ross no longer attended. He did, however, learn to speak English and read and write and learned his math. His education was more about learning how to trap, fish, hunt, plant and harvest crops. He knew how to live off the land like Daniel Boon. He also learned carpentry skills and helped to build barns and houses at an early age.As a child he received a tool set with real tools. All of his life he kept his important papers in the wooden box that was from his childhood tool set.Ross never learned how to swim but one time, as a child, he was with his sister and fell into deep water. He never was one to get too excited or upset and he said he bobbed without effort to shore and climbed out of the water. The first rifle he bought he went out and shot a mink and the fur paid for the rifle. During the winter when the lake was frozen, Ross helped cut blocks of ice, slide them to shore and store them in an ice house. The icehouse would have straw on the floor and walls and saw dust was put in between the blocks to keep them from sticking. Keeping the ice stored this way would last into the summer.
When Ross was 21 years old, his mother bought a raffle ticked at St. Joseph’s Church for a car. She put Ross’s name on the ticket and he won a Ford Model T Car. The car didn’t have headlights or a starter but he later added them to the car. Ross met Hattie Stock at a dance. They married on April 25, 1928 during the time of prohibition. Smugglers used to carry alcohol from Canada across Lake Erie. If they were in danger of getting arrested, they would drop the bottles into the lake and pick them up later. Ross knew where the bottles were dropped and he went to the lake and retrieved the bottles to use for his wedding reception. Dad told me about “Charivari” that was a custom after a wedding. Loretta Cousino wrote, “After the ceremony there was the exciting wedding night serenade of violent noise and prank-playing traditionally used by rural French to give a marriage a royal send off. The French “Charivari” was usually intended as a complementary sign of approval of the match. Historians maintain the custom of a wedding “Charivari” was brought to this country by the French settlers of Canada. Early in the evening the pranksters would come banging away on kettles and pans and a clanging of bells. They would shoot guns and “carribins” and sing the old French songs. They feasted and drank until the early morning hours.”
After they were married they lived with Ross’s parents until their house was finished being built. Since they only spoke French Hattie couldn’t communicate. She did hear the word “elle” spoken often and asked Ross what it meant. He said “she”. The conversations must have been frequently about her and she made an effort to understand French. Ross’s parents ate a lot of salt pork and other foods that Hattie wasn’t used to. After she became pregnant the salt pork made her sick and she never ate it again. In fact for the rest of her life pork of any kind never agreed with her. While the house was being built Hattie thought she had a large pantry but soon realized it was the kitchen. The kitchen was really only large enough for a small table. The cooking was done in the basement. They didn’t have running water in the house and all the water had to be hand pumped. Bathing was a weekly event.
Ross farmed with his father, David, and Ross would drive a truck with produce on it and take it to Detroit. He would either leave the evening before the market opened or very early the next morning. It was during these waits for the market to open that Ross learned to sleep with one eye open. If you didn’t keep alert you had a good chance of being robbed. Even years later us kids would prefer someone else to wake our dad up if he fell asleep on his chair because he would jump and yell at the slightest touch. Ross also worked for the WPA to get cash and always hunted and trapped for meat. He even kept our city relatives fed with fresh meat during the Depression. Snapping turtle was good meat but sometimes a challenge to bring in. One time Ross put one in a burlap bag and when he threw the bag over his shoulder to carry, the turtle bit him through the bag, his heavy hunting coat, and his clothes.
Another time he had one in a bag and put it in the backseat of his car. While he was driving home the turtle escaped. Ross had to put his legs up on the dashboard to prevent from being bitten by the hissing snapping turtle. When Ross butchered the turtle he would have the turtle bite on a stick or crow bar and pull its neck out and cut its head off. He would then bury the head because he said it would still bite until sundown. If he found eggs inside the turtle, he would bury them like their mother would. He knew when they would hatch and he collected them, fed them until they were a little larger, and then releases them in the marsh. There would be as many as 70 eggs to take care of. Another time when Ross was out trapping, he collected a bucket full of frozen frogs. He brought them home and put the bucket in the basement. As they thawed, the frogs became active and were croaking and jumping all over the basement. Hattie locked the basement door and sent Ross down to collect the frogs. He thought he caught them all but Hattie, of course, was the one to spot the lone frog that he missed.
With a new baby coming about every other year, the house was getting way too small. In the early 1940’s, a large kitchen and bedroom was added to the home along with running water. A shower was put in the old small kitchen where the table used to be. A large table with church like benches was put into the new kitchen. Ross went on living off the land until he had eight children. He needed more cash to clothe and educate the children. He once remarked that it seemed like every week one of the kids needed a new pair of shoes. One day he was out with his brother-in-law, Joseph Dusseau, and they were spearing muskrats out of season. They had some type of accident because Joe broke his arm and Ross got his foot speared through.
It was at this time that Dana Corporation called Ross in for an interview. He passed the physical because the doctor didn’t look at his feet. His first days at work he was given the hardest and dirtiest jobs. When he came home he poured blood out of his boot from his injured foot. After a few days he told them at work that his foot was injured and they gave him an easier job until it healed. They asked him why he didn’t say something sooner and he said, “I needed this job and couldn’t take the chance of not being hired.” Making wine was something Ross enjoyed. He had barrels of it in our basement. He could and did make it out of grapes, elderberry, dandelions, apricots, and any combination of berries. The gurgling of the fermenting wine was a soothing sound in our house. Many relatives and friends came over to visit and faked a cough or cold to enjoy a glass of wine and get a jug to take home.
He also built a smoke house and although most people did not eat carp or cow tongue, after dad cleaned, salted and hung them to smoke till tender, everything tasted like ham. The years of trapping and hunting and being half frozen (the spear through the foot didn’t help) took a toll on Ross’s legs. In the fall of 1948, Ross has to have an appendectomy. The medical profession was not as good as now and he ended up with pneumonia and a blood clot in his leg. He was off of work for a year. As he sat in his chair with his painful leg elevated a terrible storm came up. Lightening struck the barn at Pipi’s old house. The kids yelled that the barn was on fire but Ross just said, “let it burn, there is nothing I can do about it.” He did recover and was able to walk his oldest daughter, Madge, down the isle for her wedding. He suffered from poor blood circulation after that. He could not even bump his leg or he was in danger of getting a blood clot or ulcerated sore.
The rosary in our house was a nightly event. I can’t ever remember not saying it. Everyone would pull out a chair to kneel by or kneel by the couch. I was told that when I was small I would walk on everybody’s legs while they were praying. What I most remember was the repetition of the prayers was enough to put you to sleep. We would grab a pillow to put on the chair to lie across while we were praying. Sometimes we would start fighting over these pillows causing my dad to remove his belt and threaten us while we were praying. What should have lasted 10 to 15 minutes seemed like an hour to a child. We would keep track of my mother leading the prayers and get mad if she added one or two extra Hail Mary’s to each decade. It still makes me smile when I think of my dad swinging that belt while we prayed.
Ross retired from Dana Corporation after 25 years as a millwright. He enjoyed around another 25 years of retirement. He spent his entire life in the general area hardly going any further than Detroit. He knew the land and how to work the soil and even in retirement would be out all day long planting, hoeing, or picking what he grew. Mary Ann once remarked that he worked like someone was paying him. He never had any use for flowers. If it wasn’t edible he didn’t plant it. When Ross was around 75, we noticed that his skin and eyes were yellow. He found out that he had stones blocking his liver duct. At first he didn’t plan on having surgery to remove the stones. We said, “Dad you can’t live without a functioning liver.” Dad always said you have to die of something. He felt that he had lived long enough but decided if he died during surgery so be it. He had the surgery and lived another 13 years.
One time he was using a roto-tiller, it jumped into high pulling him toward the ditch. He dropped the machine into the ditch and jumped over the ditch. Doing this he fell and cracked a rib. The doctor asked him how he broke his rib and couldn’t believe a man in his 80’s was out jumping ditches. In later years his heart was getting weaker and he suffered from congestive heart failure. One time when he was in the hospital the medicine he was taking caused him to hallucinate. I went to visit him and he told me to watch the men working on the roof. He explained to me what they were doing only where he was watching; there was not a window. Another time he was speaking French and got mad when no one could understand what he was saying. A nurse that could speak French talked to him.
Dad was ready to meet his maker. The night he died he was in terrible pain because his heart was giving out. An ambulance was called. Dad got up, dressed, and waited on his chair. When the ambulance arrived Dad said, “I’m old, I’m dying, and there is nothing you can do for me.” He sent them away. Dad wanted to die at home, not in a hospital. He also wanted to have a big funeral. Since he was known by everyone in Erie, well liked, and had lots of relatives, he got his wish.
HATTIE (STACHAK-STOCK) BURGARD 8-26-08 – 12-5-93 (Narrative by Sue (Burgard) Darmofal)
Hattie was one of five children born to Ernest and Martha (Jankowski or Johnson) Stachak. She also had two half brothers from her father’s first marriage. When Hattie was young she wasn’t very healthy. Her mother decided to send her to a faith healer. The faith healer’s name was Katie and she had two daughters. She may have been a faith healer but she was from the dark side. Every time Hattie was with Katie she was well, but when she went home she was sick. Hattie said she was like Cinderella in Katie’s house. She did all the work and her daughters did nothing. She honestly believed that Katie was a witch. Hattie said Katie would cast spells on people. She saw her put pins in dolls to make people sick or have pain. Before Katie would go to bed she would lock the door and make everyone in the house try the lock to make sure it was fastened. One night Katie was yelling and screaming and cussing up a storm when she told the girls to look out the window because someone was looking in. Hattie was not afraid of the peeping Tom because she said he probable was walking by and looked in to see what the ruckus was about.
After Hattie married Ross she was sick but Ross didn’t believe in Katie’s black magic and never let her go back. Katie lived into her 80’s and once in while when we would go to Toledo Hattie thought she saw Katie and would turn around and go another direction to avoid her. She didn’t want Katie to see her children. Hattie was very superstitious and also believed in dreams. She didn’t like horses or water and if she dreamed of them she knew something bad was about to happen. One night she dreamed that she was on a boat and there was blood in the water. A few days later she got the news that her brother, Alvin, had been found dead. He died of a cerebral hemorrhage. She seemed to know ahead of time when something big was happening. When Bob asked me to marry him I decided not to tell anyone until I got my ring. The very next morning mom said she dreamed of a wedding veil and asked if I was engaged. So much for secrets. You would think that we would all be superstitious but none of us are.
Hattie was also very religious. She lived her life doing for others. If a neighbor or relative became ill, Hattie would take care of their children until they were well. This was not an easy job because everyone at that time had many children. In addition to the family rosary, Hattie went to mass every day. When I took the school bus, she would get on with me and go to church. There was always someone there that would take her home There were a few occasions when a bum would be walking down the street and stop in to ask for food. Mom would invite the person to come in and sit at the table. She would fix him a meal and pack a lunch for him to take with him. Hattie was a very good cook and seemed to always have enough food to feed any unannounced visitors that popped in. She also made the best cakes, pies, coffee cakes, and paczki. The neighbor children even claimed that she made the best toast. At Christmas she made dozens of different kinds of cookies and gave them all away. For Easter She made lamb cakes, and everyone got their requested birthday cake. Mine was maraschino cherry with nuts.
She was such a good cook that Ross had no desire to eat out. He claimed that no restaurant could cook as well as Hattie did. That was a complement but mom enjoyed nothing more that eating someone else’s cooking or going out once in a while. Hattie was the cook but Ross did the grocery shopping. All he asked was that she states what the product was beside the brand name. He said that he didn’t know whether to be in the toilet paper isle or bread isle. Time after time he came home with the same cookie. Hattie said, “Why did you buy these cookies again? Nobody likes them.” Ross said, “That’s why I buy them. They last longer.”
Hattie could cut hair as good as any professional barber. She trimmed Ross’s hair every week. If someone happened to come over and needed a haircut, she would talk them into letting her cut it. She also gave all of us girls a perm (if we needed it or not) toward the end of summer so we would look beautiful when school started. We all washed our hair in the kitchen sink and hardly anyone washed their own hair. When washing dad’s hair, he had a delicate head and wanted a gentle scrubbing with warm water. Dale had a tough head and wanted you to, “scrub harder.”
Hattie had a relative named Joseph Sporysz. He probably was Hattie’s cousin but we all called him Uncle Joe. My mom said she thought he was old when she was a little girl. She remembered him coming home from World War I. He never married and as he got older he needed a place to live. He moved in with Ross and Hattie. Hattie took good care of him and he lived with them for 10 years and lived to be 85 years old. Hattie was always full of energy and tried to get something done at the last minute. When going out she would tell Ross to go start the car she would be right out. Ross started the car and then would sit and wait, and wait, and wait. I told dad he could have learned Chinese in all the time he spent waiting for mom to get to the car.
Hattie discovered she had ovarian cancer at the age of 84. She went through treatments and seemed to get better. When the treatments stopped she got sick again. She died at home at the age of 85. Everyone who was at the house or came into the house at the time of her death could smell roses.
Hattie and Ross had 11 children:
Madeline (Ausmus) born in 1929
Norma Jean (Sister Mary Ross) born in 1930
Daniel born in 1932
Flo Ann (Hilkens) born in 1933
David born in 1935
Dale born in 1937
Kathleen (Sister Mary Dale) born in 1939
Annette (Sister Mary Marc) born in 1941 - died August 21, 2013
Marty born in 1943 - died November 18, 1985
Christine (Sister Mary Kent) born in 1945
Susan (Darmofal) born in 1947
Burgard Children Family Info:
Madeline Burgard (Ausmus) Family:
Dan Burgard, Flo Hilkins, Homer, Madge, Joan & Jr. Tifft, Carol & Ernie Dusseau, (Flower Girl) Tina Burgard
Madaline (Madge) Burgard (Ausmus)
Madge was born on March 28, 1929. She was the first of eleven children of Ross and Hattie Burgard. Madge attended grade school at St. Joseph’s in Erie then Central Catholic High School in Toledo. With so many children in the family, Madge stayed home to help her mother after High School.
She started dating Homer Ausmus and they were married on January 21, 1950. They began their married life living in her paternal grandparent’s house across the field from her parents. This house did not have indoor plumbing. Homer did put a hand pump in the kitchen so wash water did not have to be hauled in from the outdoor pump. They lived in this house for seven years and had their first three children there. Conrad was born on May 5, 1952, Cindy on September 13, 1954, and Ross on October 24, 1956.
Homer worked in construction and in 1957 he designed and built their first home on Summerfield Rd. in Lambertville. Their fourth child, Annette, was born on August 15, 1961. After living in this home for eleven years and wanting to send the children to a Catholic High School, they decided to move back to Erie where taking a bus to school would be easier. Madge’s dad gave them a lot and Homer designed and built their second home at 3318 E. Erie Rd. Their new home sits on nearly the same spot that her paternal grandparent’s house had sat. The same spot where they lived when they first were married.
Homer retired from working as a superintendent of Carpenters Local 1301 in 1987. He spent his time doing what he loved best . . . carpenter work. He was always building or repairing including the remodeling of the kitchen, hall & rectory at St. Joseph’s in Erie. Homer suffered a stroke on May 21, 1989. Madge cared for him for 9 ½ years and he died July 11, 1999. Madge and Homer have seven grandchildren and Madge in currently awaiting the arrival of her first two great-grandchildren.
Conrad & Ross
Madge & Homer
Annette & Cindy
December 24, 1990
The Ausmus Children:
Conrad Ausmus Family:
Cindy (Ausmus) West Family:
Ross Ausmus Family:
Annette (Ausmus) Burger Family:
Sister Mary Ross Burgard (Norma Jean)
I was born November 11, 1930 the second child of Ross and Hattie Burgard. I was baptized on November 16, 1930 and given the name Norma Jean, but was called "Jeannie." I graduated from St. Joseph school, Erie, Michigan in 1944. I attended Central Catholic high school Toledo, Ohio and graduated in 1948.
I entered the Sisters of Notre Dame on September 8, 1948. My first profession was on August 16, 1951. I made final vows on August 12, 1956. I earned my Bachelor Degree in 1964 from Mary Manse College. I received a permanent elementary teaching certificate in 1971. I earned a Master's Degree in Education in 1971 from Mary Manse College. I taught in 13 different Catholic schools of the Toledo Diocese, mainly in the elementary grades from grade 1 to 4 during the years from 1950 to 2008. At present I am tutoring at Mary Immaculate School for children having learning difficulties.
I celebrated my Silver Jubilee in 1951. I celebrated my Golden Jubilee in 2001. I am looking forward to celebrating my Diamond Jubilee in 2011.
Daniel Burgard was born on March 8, 1932. He was the third child of Ross and Hattie Burgard. Dan attended St. Joseph’s School in Erie then Central Catholic High School in Toledo.
As a child he worked for farmers in the summers to help support the family. While still in High School at age of 17 he started working road construction. He later got a job at a shipyard. He got an invitation to join the army in 1952 and after basic training was sent to Korea during the Korean War. He was assigned to help build the Liberty Bridge over the Imjin River. In 1954 when his service time was over he started working for Neo Products. Dan eventually worked for Chevrolet in Toledo becoming a Machine Repairman.
Dan married Mary Ann Sabin on September 12, 1959. They built their home at 3360 E. Erie Rd. on a lot that was part of the original Burgard farm. They have two children. Daniel Jay was born on June 1, 1960. He works as a Project Engineer at First Solar. He is married to Sherri (Venier) and they have three children, Kelly, Scott, and Amy. Lynette was born on April 28, 1961. She was married to Doug Petee and they have two daughters, Valynn and Leanne. Lynette is employed at Consumer Power Co.
Dan retired from Chevrolet in 1992. He has enjoyed retirement working in his yard, hunting, and traveling. Dan and Mary Ann also enjoyed walking the Mackinaw Bridge every Labor Day through 2004.
Dan Burgard in Korea
Flo Ann Burgard (Hilkens) Family:
Florence (Flo) Burgard was born on December 31, 1933. She is the fourth child of Ross and Hattie Burgard. She attended St. Joseph’s School in Erie and Catholic Central High School in Toledo.
Like her brothers, as a child she worked for farmers in the summer to help pay for clothes and school. When she was old enough she started working for Consumer Power Co. as a waitress and cook. Since this job was done by 1:00 pm, in 1953 she started working part-time for the U.S. Post Office. She eventually worked full time for the Post Office.
Flo married Tom Hilkens on April 23, 1955. The first few month of married life they lived upstairs in her paternal grandparent’s home with Madge and Homer living downstairs. When Aunt Florence moved into their new home, Tom and Flo moved into the garage home that Aunt Florence vacated. In 1957, when Madge & Homer moved into their new home, Flo & Tom moved back into her grandparent’s home. Their first child, Janice was born on March 27, 1957. Tom had worked in slaughterhouses since he was 10 years old and he was working for Arend Meats when they were first married. He started working for Dana Corporation in 1956. When Tom got laid-off from Dana, he drove a Coin Truck for coin and stamp supplies.
In 1959 they bought their home at 2026 Wilson Drive in Erie. They finally had a house with plumbing. They had four more children. Thomas was born November 10, 1959; Carolyn November 9, 1960; Dale February 3, 1962, and Marie January 2, 1964. During the summers, they rented a cottage for a week at Bear Lake in Michigan. They would invite family and friends to come up for the day or overnight. They enjoyed the cottage so much that they bought one on the same lake and for many years friends and family enjoyed their hospitality for the day or week to relax, eat, fish, and get bitten by mosquitoes.
Tom and Flo both retired in 1988; Flo after 35 ½ years with the Post Office, and Tom after 31 years at Dana. They have enjoyed retirement doing some traveling and volunteer work. Their eleven grandchildren keep them young.
David and his wife Marilyn (Sartor) have 4 children:
David Burgard Jr. (1965)
Paul Burgard (1967)
Jeffrey Burgard (1969)
Kevin Burgard (1974)
David Burgard Jr.:
Click on the graphic at the left to read the profile story concerning Fr. David Burgard that appeared in the "Monroe Vicariate" October 2013
Sister Mary Dale Burgard
AKA Kathleen Mary Burgard
I'm the 7th child born to Ross and Hattie Burgard. The six children born before me were all born at home but I was the first born in a hospital, namely Mercy Hospital in Monroe on August 29th, 1939. On September 17, 1939 I was Baptized at St. Joseph Church in Erie , Michigan . I received the name Kathleen Mary but was usually called Kay by all who knew me well. I started school at St. Joseph's in Erie on September, 1945. After I graduated from 8th grade in 1953, I went to the Sisters of Notre Dame to join my big sister, Sister Mary Ross. I became an Aspirant on September 9, 1953 and attended Notre Dame Academy for all four high school years. In 1957 I graduated from Notre Dame Academy and then became a Postulant on February 2, 1957. I was invested as a Novice for 2 years on August 13 and made my first Profession on August 11, 1959. I was given my new name Sister Mary Dale, S. N. D. at the time I was invested as a Novice. I attended Mary Manse College where I received my BA in Science and then received my MA in Administration from Toledo University on August 22, 1981. In 1960 I was sent out to teach in the First Grade which I have been doing most of my teaching years with the exception of having a combined first and second grade for four years, a second grade for six years and a third grade for four years. I was assigned as a Principal for ten years and given a Local Superior position, while also teaching, for twenty-six years. Thus I taught in 11 different schools in the Ohio Diocese and also spent years in Fort Wayne, Indiana and in Jacksonville, Florida. These years extent from 1960 to 2008 and I am still going to teach this coming year.
I made my Final Vows on August 17, 1964 and became a permanent member of the Sisters of Notre Dame. On July 15, 1984 I celebrated my Silver Jubilee, and God willing, I will celebrate my Golden Jubilee in 2009.
Sister Mary Marc (Annette Burgard): Passed away August 2013
I am the eighth child of Hattie (Hedwig Stock) and Ross Burgard. I was baptized Annette Martha Burgard in 1941. After graduating from St. Joseph school in Erie, MI, I attended Notre Dame Academy in Toledo where I graduated in 1959. I entered the Sisters of Notre Dame in 1959 receiving the name Sister Mary Marc. I began teaching in 1963. I received my BA degree from Mary Manse College in 1966. After I taught grade one for six years, I was asked to teach kindergarten. I attended Xavier University in Cincinnati where I received my Masters in Education with emphasis on the Montessori Method of teaching. I taught one year in a Montessori school. My teaching ended in March of 2003 when I fell and broke my pelvis. I have been in our Health Care Center since then. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1980. Each year finds me a bit weaker. Now I do Pastoral Care work here in our Health Care Center. I enjoy working with our older and sick Sisters. They are great role models. I find extra time to pray for my family, relatives, friends, and benefactors. God is very good!
Sister Mary Marc Burgard (1941 - 2013) Feature Story published in Toledo Blade on August 23, 2013 .
Sister Mary Marc Burgard, 71, a longtime kindergarten teacher and one of five siblings who taught primary grades and among four who became Sisters of Notre Dame, died Wednesday in the Ursuline Center. She died from complications of multiple sclerosis, said Sister Mary Patricia Snyder. She learned she had the chronic disease in 1980 but still taught, eventually part time and from a wheelchair. "She continued until she couldn't do it anymore," Sister Mary Patricia said. "She loved what she did." Her last assignment was at Lial Elementary School in Whitehouse. She also taught for years at the former Ladyfield School in West Toledo. The school closed after 75 years in spring, 2005. When a reunion Mass and social were held later to celebrate Ladyfield's legacy, Sister Mary Marc was one of five honorary chairmen. Sister Mary Marc earlier taught at Gesu School, St. Joseph and Sacred Heart schools in Fremont, and St. Jude School in Fort Wayne, Ind.
"She was what you would call a brain," said her brother Dale Burgard, a retired kindergarten teacher in the Bloomfield Hills, Mich., schools. "She could read something, and not only tell you what it said, but in her own words and made you understand what she said." Also teaching the youngest of students were her sisters, Sister Mary Ross and Sister Mary Dale, who preceded her in the Notre Dame community, and Sister Mary Kent, who followed. At family gatherings, the five siblings quizzed each other about classroom plans and swapped ideas for art projects. "She loved the children. She thought they were the minds of the future," her brother Dale said. As Sister Mary Marc dealt with her illness, she learned of a group now known as the Catholic Union of the Sick in America, or CUSA. She exchanged emails and letters with others who were ill or had disabilities as they encouraged each other and sought purpose in their conditions. "She developed a lot of friendships this way," Sister Mary Patricia said. "She was very instrumental in spreading peace and comfort."
She was born Annette Martha Burgard on Oct. 4, 1941, the eighth of Ross and Hattie Burgard's 11 children, and grew up on a farm near Erie. She attended St. Joseph School. Her parents were devout Roman Catholics, and she entered the Notre Dame aspirancy and attended Notre Dame Academy. She was received into the Notre Dame community in 1959, and made her first vows in 1961. Her sisters "were so happy with where they were and what they were doing, she felt the call to serve the church like they did," Sister Mary Patricia said. She received a bachelor's degree from the former Mary Manse College and a master's of education degree from Xavier University in Cincinnati. She also studied at the Montessori Teacher Training Center in Chicago.
Surviving are her brothers, David, Daniel, and Dale Burgard; and sisters, Madeline Ausmus, Florence Hilkens, Susan Darmofal, Sister Mary Ross, Sister Mary Dale Burgard, and Sister Mary Kent Burgard.
Visitation will be from 2 to 8 p.m. today in the Toledo Provincial Center of the Sisters of Notre Dame. Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Saturday in the provincial center chapel. Arrangements are by the Urbanski Funeral Home. Tributes are suggested to the Sisters of Notre Dame. Click here to read her obit published in the Toledo Blade.
Martin (Marty) Burgard was born on February 6, 1943. Since he was the ninth child and the fourth son, all available beds were full. He went from a crib to a couch. He attended St. Joseph’s in Erie and Catholic Central High School in Monroe.
Marty worked for farmers during the summers while in school. He started working for Dana Corporation after graduating from High School. Since the draft was still in effect, he decided to enlist in the army so that he would have more choices in the type of work he would be assigned. (He finally got a bed of his own.) He was lucky to have spent most of his military time in Germany during the Viet Nam War.
When he returned from the military he also returned to Dana where he became a millwright. Shortly after being discharged Marty met Bev Ridner and they married on October 20, 1967. They built their home at 3330 E. Erie Rd. on a lot his father, Ross, gave him. The house soon filled up with four children; James was born in 1968, Beth Ann in 1969, Marc in 1972, and Renee in 1977.
Marty was very active in both church and civic affairs. He was secretary of parish council, active in Marriage Encounter and a member of the Knights of Columbus. He was also an Erie Township trustee and president of the Monroe County Chapter, Michigan Townships Associations.
While playing soccer, he fell and hurt his knee resulting in a blood clot. He died on November 18, 1985 from a pulmonary embolism.
Bev and both daughters are currently living in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Beth Ann is married to Chris Beck and they have a daughter, Haley. Renee is married to Jamison Shafer and they have two sons, Jamison and Gavin, and a daughter, Kristina. Jim and his wife, Dawn, live in Monclova, Ohio. Their daughters are Kyrstyn, Katie, and Kelsey. Kelsey died in an auto accident in 2003. Marc is in the Marines. After leaving Iraq he is now in Okinawa with his wife, Akiko and their sons, Yuri and Alex.
Click here to view Obit for Marty Burgard
Sister Mary Kent (Christine Burgard):
Sister Mary Kent is a Sister of Notre Dame. She teaches Pre-school/Kindergarten at Lial School in Whitehouse, Ohio. Sister graduated from Notre Dame Academy in Toledo , received her Bachelor degree from Mary Manse College in Toledo, and a Master of Education with a Concentration in Montessori Education from Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio. After teaching first grade for four years, Sister began the first Readiness Program in the Toledo Diocese for Pre-school/Kindergarten children. Sister has given numerous educational talks on a local and national level. She has received awards for her service to education especially for teaching 31 years in the Central city schools in Toledo. Sister enjoys walks in nature and reading.
Susan Burgard (Darmofal) Family:
Bob and Sue have two children both living in Toledo. Steven graduated from the University of Dayton with an Engineering Degree. He also has an MBA from the University of Toledo. He works as a Civil Engineer for Feller Finch & Associates. Christine graduated from Miami University with a degree in both Finance and Accounting. She is a CPA and has worked as an Auditor for PricewaterhouseCoopers for the last six years. She recently accepted a position with Spilman Hills & Heidebrink. Her husband, Jeff
Slade, is a Commercial Loan Officer with Huntington Bank. Sue graduated from St. Mary Academy then worked 8 years as a one-person office for a small manufacturing firm in Temperance. She then stayed home to raise her children. She worked various jobs after her children were in school including school librarian, credit union clerk, and general office work at an engineering firm. Bob attended Macomber High School and the University of Toledo. He worked as a Plant Engineer for Chrysler Toledo Machining Plant for over 30 years and retired at age 54. Bob & Sue do volunteer work and love to travel. They have traveled a lot of the Caribbean, Europe including Poland, Australia, New Zealand, and is currently about to leave for Costa Rica.
Additional Burgard Family Photos:
1992 Photo:
Back Row: Dale, Dan, David & Madge
2nd Row: Sister Mary Kent, Flo, Sister Mary Dale, Sue & Sister Mary Marc
Front: Ross, Hattie & Sister Mary Ross
Father David Burgard with Sister Mary Dale, Sister Mary Ross, Sister Mary Marc and Sister Mary Kent.
The Burgard "Sisters"
(Back) Sister Mary Dale & Sister Mary Ross
Sister Mary Marc & Sister Mary Kent
Jubilee Celebration Summer 2011: Sister Mary Marc 50th ----- Sister Mary Ross 60th